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Best Price Promise
To qualify for a Heartland America® Best Price Promise™ credit:
- The product with the better price must be exactly the same make, model, color and condition as the one you purchased from Heartland America®.
- The seller offering the product must be an established catalog or on-line company, as determined by Heartland America®, and the product must currently be in-stock with that seller.
- You must have purchased the product from Heartland America® (either through the catalog or the web site) no more than 7 days before the day you apply for the credit.
Additional Terms and Conditions:
- The comparison product must be in like condition (for example, new to new, refurbished to refurbished, etc.).
- The claim must be made within 7 days from the date of your order from Heartland America®.
- The product for which credit is sought must be identical in all respects, including make, model, color and condition to the one offered by the competing seller.
- The credit applies to no more than any two identical products per customer.
- The comparison may be applied only to established catalog and/or on-line sellers offering merchandise for a set price (no auction sites like ebay® or deal sites like woot® or bfdeals® or Heartland America's® deal of the day), as determined at the discretion of Heartland America®.
- Price comparison applies only to the merchandise price of the product.
- Price comparison does not include any special offers made by sellers, such as quantity discounts, free shipping, coupons, discount membership clubs or rebates.
- Best Price Promise applies to no more than two different products per customer in any 30 day period.
- The terms of this Best Price Promise are subject to change without prior notice, and the program may be terminated at any time, at Heartland America®'s discretion.